Color Palette

A set of functions to display the available color palettes (see plotCols) and to load a color palette into your global environment (see getCols).

Load Functions into Global Environment



Function to display the available color palettes, and their names:

  group = ""
group "categorical" or "ramp" specifies the available color palettes in that type to display. Defaults to "", which displays both types of color palettes.

Ramped Color Palettes
Ramped Color Palettes
Categorical Color Palettes
Categorical Color Palettes
Function to pull the desired color palette by name:
  x = NULL
  num = length(eval(parse(text=x)))
x The color palette name to pull. See plotCols() for available palettes.
num The number of colors to pull from the desired palette. Defaults to the entire palette.


An example of a palette for categorical data in ggplot:
# Load ggplot

# Creates a global environment object named 'myCols' that contains the chosen palette
myCols <- getCols("nausicaa")

# Get iris data

# Ggplot example
ggplot(data=iris, aes(Petal.Length,Sepal.Length, color = Species)) +
  geom_point(size = 2)+
  scale_color_manual(values = myCols) +

Plotted species (categorical) by color using the chosen palette - ggplot
Plotted species (categorical) by color using the chosen palette - ggplot
An example of a gradient palette for continuous data in ggplot:
# Load ggplot

# Get color palette
myCols <- getCols("sunset")

# Plot continuous scale
ggplot(data=iris, aes(Petal.Length,Sepal.Length, color = Petal.Width)) +
  geom_point(size = 2) +
  scale_color_gradientn(colors = rev(myCols)) +

Plotted petal width (continuous) by color using the chosen palette - ggplot
Plotted petal width (continuous) by color using the chosen palette - ggplot