I am currently an Associate Scientist at the Hudson River Foundation. Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Lethbridge. Broadly, my research focused on carbon cycling in freshwater and coastal ecosystems, using a combination of field-, lab-, and modeling-based methods. I am particularly interested in characterizing human impacts on aquatic ecosystems, especially as it relates to dissolved organic matter cycling, carbon transport between terrestrial and aquatic pools, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Originally from Brooklyn, NY, I attended Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School, majoring in fine arts. I completed my PhD at the Yale School of the Environment (YSE) in 2022, where I studied dissolved organic matter and iron cycling in the Connecticut River watershed. I received my B.S. and M.S. from CUNY City College of New York, where I studied Earth and Atmospheric Sciences. My Master's thesis examined the export of colored dissolved organic matter from Chesapeake Bay tidal marshes, and its subsequent photochemical and microbial degradation in estuaries.

Read my CV

Featured Publications

Distinct drivers of two fractions of operationally dissolved iron in a temperate river

Logozzo, L., J.D. Hosen, J. McArthur, P. Raymond Apr 2023 · Limnology & Oceanography Riverine dissolved iron (Fe) affects wat...

Watershed DOC uptake occurs mostly in lakes in the summer and in rivers in the winter

Maavara, T., C. Brinkerhoff, J. Hosen, K. Aho, L. Logozzo, J. Saiers, A. Stubbins, P. Raymond Jan 2023 · Limnology & Oceanography ...

Contributions of Fe(III) to UV–Vis absorbance in river water: a case study on the Connecticut River and argument for the systematic tandem measurement of Fe(III) and CDOM

Logozzo, L., J. Martin, J. McArthur, P. Raymond May 2022 · Biogeochemistry Dissolved organic matter (DOM) impacts the structure a...


Exploring the Depths of Water's Role in Climate Change

Canopy Magazine · Spring 2022

Aquatic ecosystems play an essential role in the greenhouse gas emissions cycle. Water bodies can sequester carbon – and they can also re...

New Haven Promise Inspires New 'Champions' for the Environment

For Johnae McArthur, a University of Connecticut undergraduate and one of five New Haven Promise interns at F&ES this past summer, the ex...